Join us for our 1-day workshop, A Taste of Coaching for Equity, on November 14, 2023.

Learn more and sign up!


Is your school or district a place where every child gets what they need every day? 

You want your school or organization to be an equitable place of learning, but you recognize that there are many obstacles to address. You see inequitable practices, you hear people expressing problematic beliefs, and you recognize the broader systemic challenges. Still, you are committed to taking action. You wonder: How to start? Where to start?

This workshop provides you with the essential knowledge to recognize educational inequities; with the language to name and describe those inequities; and with the skills to have the conversations to interrupt those inequities. Building off of Elena Aguilar’s best-selling book, Coaching for Equity (2020), you’ll receive additional tools and resources to help you plan for and have conversations that result in behavior and belief change.

You’ll learn about and practice six kinds of coaching conversations that center equity, and you’ll see masterful demonstrations of these conversations. You’ll also grapple with the relationship between your own identity and the systems of oppression that permeate our schools, develop a vision for what equity would look like in your work, hone the skills to facilitate compassionate coaching conversations about identity, and strengthen your resolve to disrupt inequities in your communities. This workshop is a satisfying balance of building skill and knowledge and also attending to our need to build internal reserves and resilience when leading for equity.

This workshop is right for you if:

  • You see disparities in student outcomes, but what is driving them isn’t clear

  • You see things that seem inequitable, but you’re not sure how to talk about them and say why they’re wrong

  • You feel called to take a stand, but you are unsure of exactly what to say or do

  • You know what to say, but your emotions make it hard to speak up 

  • You get pushback when you challenge inequitable practices and beliefs

  • You want a simple and effective process to plan for equity-focused conversations

  • You need to know how to address the elephant in the room while preserving relationships

📖 Move beyond the book: 

If you want to create equitable schools, you need to do more than just read a book. You need a community of like-minded leaders with whom you can have meaningful discussions; you need to see equity-focused conversations modeled; and you need guided practice in the skills to have equity-focused conversations. This is what you’ll get in this workshop. 

⬆️ More than skill building: 

This workshop provides you with an opportunity to connect with and learn from other leaders who are committed to equity. You’ll be energized by the connections you will make in a short period of time and the camaraderie you’ll build. You’ll leave this workshop feeling confident in your abilities to interrupt inequities and to create the kinds of communities in which children thrive, and in which you’ll thrive.  

✨ New in 2023: 

Our previous Coaching for Equity 101 and Coaching for Equity Masterclass workshops have been reimagined into this one comprehensive and cohesive learning experience. You’ll build foundational knowledge and have ample opportunities for practice, as well as moments for self-reflection, in our most powerful workshop yet. 


  • How to plan for an equity-focused conversation
  • What to say to compassionately and directly interrupt inequities
  • How to navigate your own emotions when coaching for equity  
  • How to explore and shift inequitable beliefs in coaching conversations
  • New ways to build your resilience while deepening your commitment to creating equitable schools
  • Historical context for educational inequities 
  • How to use data in coaching conversations

Coaching for Equity Workshop

Learn about this learning experience from Elena.


Participants must have a copy of Coaching for Equity as well as a copy of The Art of Coaching Workbook. These books must be purchased before the start of the series and are not included in the registration fee.

The live engagement takes place on Zoom and requires Zoom (5.13.5 or higher)* and a computer. If you have access needs or accommodation requests, please email [email protected]. We will do our best to meet accessibility needs. 

*Currently Zoom does not allow for auto-captioning in breakout rooms, which we frequently use in workshops. Please let us know if you require captioning in all spaces to access learning.


*To register a group, pay by invoice, or pay by purchase order, please complete this Pay by Invoice/PO form.


Coaching for Equity Part 1 (two days, four sessions total)

Thursday, September 21 and Friday, September 22, 2023

  • Block 1: 8 am-10 am PT (10 am-12 pm CT/11 am-1 pm ET)
  • Block 2: 11 am-1 pm PT (1 pm-3 pm CT/2 pm-4 pm ET)

Coaching for Equity Part 2 (two weeks, six sessions total)

  • Week 1: Monday, October 23, Wednesday, October 25, and Friday, October 27
  • Week 2: Monday, October 30, Wednesday, November 1, and Friday, November 3
  • Time: 11 am-1 pm PT (1 pm-3 pm CT/2 pm-4 pm ET)


Self-Paced Prework [4 hours for Part 1 and 6 hours Part 2]: Your learning begins in advance of your workshop session and includes reading specific chapters of Coaching for Equity and engaging in a set of curated activities from The Art of Coaching Workbook. This foundational knowledge will set you up to maximize your workshop experience.  

The core workshop experience is split into two parts over the course of 4-6 weeks (depending on scheduling)

Part 1: Live Learning [four learning blocks]: 

  • Your workshop begins with a 2-day experience during which you will come together with a Bright Morning presenter in community to process your learning, explore your identity, build context about systems of oppression, and engage in a set of small group discussions and coaching practice. Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) participants will have the option of BIPOC affinity breakout groups. Each day has two learning blocks with an hour break in between.

  • You’ll return to your context with an expanded understanding of educational inequities and with clear action steps to implement. You’ll also be able to engage in equity-centered conversations and begin applying the learning from Part 1. During the period between Part 1 and Part 2, you’ll be encouraged to note your learnings and bring awareness to any growth areas you wish to refine in Part 2.

Part 2: Live Learning [six learning blocks]: 

  • Approximately 4-6 weeks later, you will reconvene with your Bright Morning presenter and community of practitioners to take your learning to the next level. You’ll observe masterful demonstrations of coaching conversations focused on equity, learn strategies for having conversations about identity and beliefs, and analyze elements of effective coaching conversations. Of course, you’ll also engage in many practice conversations of your own and receive targeted feedback. This is where you will develop your ability to facilitate the necessary conversations to change inequitable systems and practices. By the conclusion of Part 2, you’ll be able to see how much growth you’ve made in coaching for equity. 


  • Anyone who seeks a non-judgmental learning space to acquire a deeper understanding of racism and educational equity

  • Educators who see educational inequities but don’t know what to say or do, or who seek to refine what you say and do

  • Teacher leaders, coaches, and administrators who want space to explore thoughts and feelings about equity, to anchor in a vision, and to boost your courage

  • BIPOC educators who want the opportunity to be in BIPOC-affinity groups for breakout sessions 


Course access and recording: Participants have access to content for 30 days after the learning experience. The sessions will be recorded (except for breakouts) in the event you cannot make a session or if you would like to rewatch them at a later time.

Accommodating participants with disabilities: Bright Morning strives to provide universal access to all of our events. Please contact [email protected] as soon as possible to request disability accommodations. Advanced notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs. A full refund will be issued, and the registration will be canceled without penalty if we are unable to provide satisfactory accommodations. You can learn more by visiting our Accessibility Services page. 

Cancelation policy:

  • 10 or more days prior to the event – Full refund

  • Less than 10 days prior to the event – No refund

  • A missed learning experience is non-refundable and non-transferable. For more details about our cancelation policy and transfers, visit our FAQ page.

In the rare event that Bright Morning does not receive enough interest in this offering to host it as scheduled, we will provide an alternative learning pathway for all registrants or honor refunds for those who cannot join the alternate experience.

How to Register

  • If you're a Bright Morning member, use your membership coupon code (from your Thinkific course) during the online checkout. Once you apply the coupon code, the amount should become $0.

  • New to Bright Morning? Choose the payment method that works for you: using a credit card online or requesting to pay by invoice/PO.

  • If you're enrolling a group, use the Group Registration/Pay By Invoice/PO method.

Individual Registration by Credit Card

Group Registration or Pay by Invoice/PO

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Meet Your Bright Morning Presenters

Presenter and Community Engagement Specialist Becky Barstein

Becky Barstein has worked at the intersection of education, technology, and equity for over 10 years. She designs and facilitates professional learning experiences that seek to deepen educators’ understanding of racial equity and stakeholder voice for schools, districts, and departments of education across the country. Becky taught grades K-4 in Houston, TX, while also leading and coaching teams of new and veteran teachers. During this time, she also developed and facilitated school-, district-, and network-wide professional development focused on elementary literacy, dismantling white supremacy culture, and social-emotional learning for both students and adults. In her spare time, you can find Becky exploring the greater NYC area or hanging out with her two cats, (Thomas) Hobbes and (Professor) Lupin.

Presenter In Residence Nick Cains

Nick is a human catalyst who is passionate about empowering teachers and supporting them to lead the charge in educational equity. He coaches district instructional coaching staff and teacher leaders while supporting Tulsa Public Schools as a Director of Content and Coaching. Nick has had various roles in education, starting as a 2nd grade teacher in Tulsa where his passion for education was ignited. From there he has supported educators while working at multiple national education non-profits. Nick holds a Master’s Degree in Education Administration: Curriculum and Supervision from the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa. He also earned a Bachelor’s Degree of Fine Arts in Theater and a minor in Broadcast Journalism from Southern Methodist University. He currently lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with his fiancé and two adorable cats.

Presenter Nita Creekmore

Nita Creekmore is an Instructional Coach who has been in education for 17 years. She taught in grades 1, 2, and 5 for 13 years before becoming an Elementary School Instructional Coach. Nita obtained her Master’s Degree in Elementary Education in 2002 from the University of South Carolina and her Educational Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership in 2013 from the University of Virginia. Nita began Love. Teach. Bless. on Instagram in 2015 as a fun hobby highlighting the fun things that she did with her first grade class. From there, Love. Teach. Bless. has grown to be a thriving, collaborative space for educators. Nita believes in holding inclusive spaces that are on the journey of equity for all—especially for folx from marginalized and oppressed groups. In her free time, she loves practicing yoga, spending time with her family and friends, attending her kids’ extracurricular activities, and relaxing with a good book. Nita is originally from Woodbridge, Virginia, and currently lives just outside Atlanta, GA with her husband and four children.